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Cultural heritage essay

Cultural heritage essay

NY: Oxford University Press, The Experience of Landscape. Traditional cultural expressions include tangible and intangible items unique to a specific culture, including everything from visual and performing art forms to religious ceremonies and architecture. For any subject 1, cultural heritage essay. Following the church service the family throws a large party. html; Chapter 4, Cultural Patterns andCcommunication: Foundations. Crusaders were able to implement feudal states throughout their travels during cultural heritage essay period of warfare, many of which have been termed Crusader states and which were erected throughout the Holy Land and in parts of Asia Minor as well as Greece.

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Maria, cultural heritage essay, p. Thus, it is imperative to include the dimensions of culture and heritage when drafting policies on national development. This is where cultural heritage, cultural heritage essay. Cultural heritages Limitations and Opportunities There are some limitations and opportunities for cultural heritages in Hamilton Square. The impacts are subjected to national and local planning policies and documents. The historical buildings and monuments and surrounding environment are specific, especially the settings of listed buildings such as Hamilton Square and Birkenhead Park Conservation Areas Appendix 4, of the heritage and cultural industry When the term Cultural Heritage is used its mostly revered and expressed to describe ways of living which is developed by the public, locals and which then passed that on from generation to cultural heritage essay to generation, all of this includes customs to practices, places, cultural heritage essay, objects, creative expressions and values.

Cultural Heritage is often stated as either Intangible or Tangible Cultural Heritage ICOMOS, As part of human activity Cultural Heritage produces. Impact of Cultural Heritage on Bryce Courtenay and Ernest Hemingway Throughout the world, there are many diverse cultures, each of these distinct cultures have different backgrounds, rituals and practices. These cultures cultural heritage essay a profound cultural heritage essay on the minds of their inhabitants. It's a person's culture which effects their thoughts, beliefs and their outlook upon life.

It doesn't matter where you are from or where you go to, you always have a piece of your culture cultural heritage essay you wherever you are, cultural heritage essay. make cultural heritage essay broad diversity of culture in Sir Lanka. Cultural heritage essay analyzing cultural heritage definition in Sinhala language, the definition given in the legislations inand its relationship with Athens charter and UNESCO convention, I will demonstrate the cultural heritage vision imbedded in the society through legal definition. Also, I will offer criticisms and recommendations for an improved approach to the definition of cultural heritage in Sri Lanka in broader context.

According to the Sinhala language. in the way the international community perceives cultural heritage at risk during armed conflict is occurring simultaneously with the current changes of war. protection of the cultural heritage of the Beijing Palace Museum. First, from the background, cultural heritage essay, geographic location, and the rest of the world palace contrast, cultural and heritage themes discussed. Summarize its world influence and value, authenticity and commercialization from personal experience analysis report concludes the Palace existing problems and how to protect it, and in the management, development and operation make recommendations accordingly, as a cultural heritage protection.

In this. allows them to identify with others of similar mindsets and backgrounds. New emerging trends in cultural heritage essay, such as the increase in the popularity of observing or participating in ethnic or cultural activities and events, has piqued the interest of scholars. Studies pertaining to these concepts are often called cultural heritage tourism or CHT. Cultural heritage is an embodiment of sites or people, particular to this investigation, cultural heritage sites are portrayed through architectural designs. Home Page Cultural Heritage.

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However we cannot pretend our individual cultural differences do not matter. One particular example of an issue associated with cultural heritage is the issue of cultural arrogance. Cultural arrogance is considered an attitude of superiority in an overbearing manner. It often implies that one believes or acts as though their culture or beliefs are better than another culture. The recent death of American missionary John Allen Chau caused a lot of controversy after the young missionary was killed approaching the shores of North Sentinel Island.

This young man from Washington state had decided that the small tribe on a remote island needed him to personally deliver them a taste of his religion. A self-styled Christian missionary, Chau tried to foist his presence and beliefs on the Sentinelese tribe who wished to be left alone. What he found was an early grave. Chau did not die from the tribes. He was killed by his own arrogance. Review News. The Sentinelese who killed John Allen Chau were soldiers defending their culture and society against a potential threat; they were not murderers. Chau met his fate after ignoring the rules and regulations, as well as the warnings that were given to him by authorities to protect the Sentinelese people.

The Sentinelese were expected to respond to his intrusion exactly as they did. Chau brought his death upon himself. When people are unaware or chose not to respect the beliefs and practices of cultural groups, they could harm the people of that culture and also themselves. Those who adopt ideas of another culture may only be interested in what they have to offer and hope to gain from it by selfishly adopting the cultures values. It is important that tourists take the time to learn and develop different elements of a culture before representing these cultures. It is a code and form of respect that should be followed by all.

Cultural arrogance can also imply that one believes or acts as though their culture is better than another culture. For example, there are a lot of Americans who arrogantly assume that Americans are better than Europeans or there are Japanese who believe they are superior to Chinese. In the US, Americans tend to believe that the American way of life is better or more superior than any other country when it comes to pursuing life goals, freedom and happiness. Another example of an problem associated with cultural heritage is the issue of Culture appropriation. Cultural appropriation is the taking of intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from another culture without permission. In a way it can harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been racially discriminated or exploited in other ways or when the object of appropriation hold a significant meaning to them, e.

sacred items. In the United States, cultural appropriation tends to involve people of the dominant culture or those who identify with it borrowing from minority cultural groups. African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and Africans are often targeted for Cultural Appropriation thought. For example, ancient African artifacts like Traditional mask have been stolen and replicated to sell to people all around the world. African artefacts have also been stolen from archaeological sites and placed on display in European museums. Cultural Appropriation takes many forms. Native American fashion, decoration, cultural symbols and designs, and Asian martial arts and dress have been targeted for cultural appropriation.

In many cases, Buddhist designed tattoos, Muslim-inspired headdresses as fashion, the wearing of native american headdresses for halloween and white gay men adopting the dialect of black women are other examples of cultural appropriation that are often called out Thought. The examples are endless but it is important to consider the context of these situations. For example, is a tattoo performed on a person because it holds significance to that person or is the person receiving the tattoo because think it is cool? Why are musicians like Pharrell appearing on the front page of Elle fashion magazine wearing a traditional Native American headdress when this is considered a sacred item of the Native American culture which is only to be worn by war chiefs and warriors of native tribes?

Cultural Heritage is often stated as either Intangible or Tangible Cultural Heritage ICOMOS, As part of human activity Cultural Heritage produces. Impact of Cultural Heritage on Bryce Courtenay and Ernest Hemingway Throughout the world, there are many diverse cultures, each of these distinct cultures have different backgrounds, rituals and practices. These cultures have a profound effect on the minds of their inhabitants. It's a person's culture which effects their thoughts, beliefs and their outlook upon life. It doesn't matter where you are from or where you go to, you always have a piece of your culture with you wherever you are.

make the broad diversity of culture in Sir Lanka. By analyzing cultural heritage definition in Sinhala language, the definition given in the legislations in , and its relationship with Athens charter and UNESCO convention, I will demonstrate the cultural heritage vision imbedded in the society through legal definition. Also, I will offer criticisms and recommendations for an improved approach to the definition of cultural heritage in Sri Lanka in broader context. According to the Sinhala language. in the way the international community perceives cultural heritage at risk during armed conflict is occurring simultaneously with the current changes of war.

protection of the cultural heritage of the Beijing Palace Museum. First, from the background, geographic location, and the rest of the world palace contrast, cultural and heritage themes discussed. Summarize its world influence and value, authenticity and commercialization from personal experience analysis report concludes the Palace existing problems and how to protect it, and in the management, development and operation make recommendations accordingly, as a cultural heritage protection. In this. allows them to identify with others of similar mindsets and backgrounds. New emerging trends in tourism, such as the increase in the popularity of observing or participating in ethnic or cultural activities and events, has piqued the interest of scholars.

Amadou Hampate Ba et l'africanisme. De la recherche anthropologique a l'exercice de la fonction auctoriale. Paris: L'Harmattan, Dielika Diallo "Hampate Ba: the great conciliator. UNESCO Online available at:. Human dimension categories include economics with a focus on the monetary measurement of ecosystems; recreation which seeks to understand the relationship between the recreation setting and human experience; cultural heritage which explores the characteristics of sustainable societies, and lastly environmental psychology and social interactions which involve the measurement of ecosystem-related public perceptions, attitudes and beliefs and the objectives of the concerned parties.

A prime example of this research concerns the findings of the Department of the Interior and its exploration on how human dimensions affect certain areas of the western United States. Research topics associated with these findings…. Works Cited Alanen, Arnold R. Appleton, Jay. The Experience of Landscape. New York: John Wiley, United States Global Change Research Program. The Human Dimensions Program. cited in Quest, When Senghor was imprisoned for the already mentioned two years period he composed poetry, read the work of Goethe and delved into Western philosophical works and as well reestablished his link with his fellow Africans and songs and tales were shared from Africa and this resulted in the "fostering [of] an alternative understanding of humanism and society.

Poetry as 'Key' Outlet for Combating Cultural Alienation in for Africans The work of Nyathi states that the work of Senghor influenced many and in fact that poetry "became a key outlet for Africans to combat cultural alienation. One of the most brilliant contributions of the Byzantium is its contribution to modern music and the development of what the world has come to appreciate as the foundations of classical music. The Byzantine "medieval" Lang, , in fact, the Byzantium influence is considered to be critical to the development of the Greek music and the relative genius behind Greek music Lang, The quoted sovereign melody Lang, is the oft punctuated contribution to the sovereign nature of today's music throughout the world.

The Byzantium facilitated the sovereign method of music ostensibly from what would be the earlier influences to the Byzantine Empire. Lang continues to point to such influence as having its origins in the Orient Lang, Sports were a major part of the Byzantine Empire and are representative of the development of competition within the Roman Empire and subsequently to the importance of sporting events within…. Globalization and Middle Eastern Culture The term globalization has positive connotations in that it implies interaction and sharing through technology and suggests the improvement and development of less developed countries through connections with countries that are more economically wealthy.

However, this is not always the way in which the term is interpreted by some countries and cultures. There has been a negative reaction throughout the world in recent years to the concept of globalization which is increasingly viewed as a means of domination and assimilation -- especially with regard to cultural aspects. A more formal definition of globalization is as follows: Globalization can be conceived as a process or set of processes which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, expressed in transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction and power see Held and McGrew, et al.

In essence globalization is characterized…. Bibliography: Cheruiyot K. htm ; Internet: accessed December 1, Held D. And McGrew A. htm; Internet: accessed 6 December, Maisami Mona, Islam and Globalization. htm ; Internet: accessed 5 December, He looks at the methodological and practical problems that can impact assessment research in correctional settings, including the distinctive culture in correctional institutes. Megargee's reason for doing the research is today's huge population of incarcerated persons and the fact that psychological research that has been conducted on people outside of the incarceration setting may not be applicable to people who are incarcerated.

He recognizes that there is a need for research in this area to determine whether tools developed elsewhere are applicable. He points out the irony of this lack of applicable research because clinical psychology was developed in the criminal justice setting. He does not really conduct any individual research, therefore the methodology is most akin to a literature review in which he assesses the information available about correctional institutions and draws conclusions from that information to determine why there is a lack of research on assessment in correctional…. References Author Last Name, First Initial. Chapter 3: Looking into the clinician's mirror: cultural self-assessment. In Editor's Last Name, First Initial Ed. Book Title. Place of Publication, Publisher.

Megargee, E. Assessment research in correctional settings: Methodological issues and practical problems. Psychological Assessment, 7 3 , The following quotation provides an indication of the changes that an emerging China represents. The developed world is rapidly being overhauled in economic size by the developing world. Jacques, , p. This revolution brought about many dramatic changes in the society that had mainly negative social and economic consequences. However, it is also possible that the excesses and failures of the Cultural evolution have….

References Chen, Jack , Inside the Cultural Revolution, Sheldon, London. Cohen, M. Fenby, J , the Penguin History of Modern China: The Fall and Rise of a Great Power, to , Allen Lane, London Gao, M , the battle for China's past: Mao and the Cultural Revolution, Pluto Press, London. The artistic authenticity of a particular object is determined, in part, by the objects provenance -- its history that helps us to understand the significance and original cultural context of the object. ithout this context it becomes complicated to identify certain tribal cultural artifacts as artwork or not. But let's imagine that there exists an institutional framework or bureaucratic organization with the resources to undertake such a monumental task of artistic identification. There would still be additional problems to consider.

In Indonesia, for instance, there are numerous political and cultural obstacles facing the emerging push for preservation. Communication in the nation is lackluster. Identifying and controlling all potential tribal art among the indigenous people is a task best left to the imagination. The infrastructure simply does not yet exist to properly compensate indigenous artists and craftsmen, let alone stem the tide of black-market deals and random destruction. Yet this is…. Works Cited Barbier, Jean-Paul. Jerrold Levinson. NY: Oxford University Press, Hamlin, Jesse. Lehmann, Karl and Lehmann, Andrew.

Maui, Hawaii: Values Americans Live by. I understand that the article was written in , however, many of the topics still are present today. After reading the article "Values Americans Live By," which was written by L. Robert Kohls in , I found myself thinking about what the term "values" truly means. I believe Dr. Kohls is referring to the customs, beliefs and attitudes which drive a culture's behavior. Kohl confirms this in the article when he states "the different behaviors of a people or culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs, assumptions and values of that particular group" In the case of American society, Kohls makes it clear that the most important value for Americans is perhaps their lack of values, which simply means Americans believe themselves to be….

cultural characteristics chinesse korean heritage, assigned cultural groups, discuss factors considered provide a culturally competent environment care patients cultural groups. The Chinese are very different from the South Koreans when considering general attitudes promoted in these two cultures and the way that people think and behave. A primary issue involving Chinese and Korean patients regards the way that they are likely to react to treatment. The former group is probable to employ more hostile behaviors and to be less willing to cooperate with doctors. In contrast, the latter group is typically supportive toward treatment strategies they are provided with. Religion is also an important concept when considering Korean and Chinese patients.

The fact that numerous individuals in South Korea are Buddhist means that they might see death as being perfectly normal. The same thing applies when considering Chinese…. A gratefully accepted and began attending the family meetings regarding this upcoming event. Apparently there had been previous meetings but I was only made aware of the event as part of this project so I got to go to the final four meetings. he first thing that happens during this event is that the girl renews her commitment to God and to the church before her family and friends and congregation members. he ceremony is serious with bells ringing and music playing at the church which can be decorated for the event. In the case of this family the church was decorated with white satin and ribbon and flowers.

On addition when the church part was over there were a dozen white doves released into the sky as the girl made her way outside among the onlookers. Following the church service the family throws a large party. It was explained…. This immersion project provided me with the opportunity to learn about Hispanic culture in a way that was much more enjoyable and interesting than reading it in a book. Through this project I got to live as a Hispanic for short times and really feel what they feel during various times of family life. Whether it was attending festivals, church or going to a young girl's coming out party I was surrounded with Hispanic family members that went out of their way to help me understand.

I came away with the understanding that the Hispanic culture is about love, celebration and enjoyment of life, something I think many of us could learn from. aspx ,which caters primarily to those who want to visit or learn more about the opera house, containing a great quantity of information and photos relating to architecture and events, but few outside links. hus, because of both its contribution to architecture and culture,…. The Sydney Opera House: A Monument of Both Architectural and Cultural Grandeur modern architectural wonder, the Sydney Opera House was inaugurated in and continues to maintain its position as one of Australia's most important cultural and architectural sites.

Architectural features of significance include the well-known three shells that interlock on the top of the structure and contain different areas of interest -- including restaurants and a theater -- and the pedestrian platforms that lead to ground level. it's architectural significance results not only from the beauty and uniqueness of its impressive design, but also from the engineering feats that resulted in its construction. Designed by Jorn Utozon, a Danish architect, the opera house is lauded for its glorification of the Sydney harbor as well as its modern technology and feel.

Furthermore, the building was constructed with an eye on environmentalism and conservation. In addition to its innovative structural design, however, the opera house lends additional cultural gems to the city of Sydney. An operational performing arts center, the Sydney Opera House offers a variety of cultural entertainment. In fact, the season lists performances from modern Rock and Roll wonder Sting to Mozart's classical opera Don Giovanni. Additionally, the area offers a variety of tours, restaurants, and bars that introduce the visitor to the cultural scene of Australia. Thus, because of both its contribution to architecture and culture, the Sydney Opera House is an important monument in Australia and all over the world.

Those who want to learn more about the opera house can do so by visiting a variety of sites on the Internet. Cultural Diversity in Rural Settings for Nurses On a continuum of cultural awareness to cultural relativity, how do you view yourself and your interactions with others? As a nurse practitioner, it is easy to see the patient simply as a patient, as a sick person needing treatment, rather than a well person who perceives his or her body as only temporarily ill, but sees his or her person as permanently a part of a family and culture outside of the hospital.

As Small and Dennis counsel, the increase in immigration has resulted in greater diversity of both patients and practitioners within the United States, rather than in traditional urban locations. Thus Small and Dennis remind the nurse that it is not simply enough to treat the patient, but the patient must also understand his or her illness in culturally comprehensible terms. A nurse must be able to communicate to…. Jan-Feb, "Incorporating cultural diversity in nursing care: an action plan" The ABNF Journal. IQ Test Scores Cultural Differences in IQ Test Scores Most studies carried out in the United States to measure intelligence IQ indicate a significant gap in the IQ test scores of Blacks and Whites.

The gap is more pronounced in certain areas of intelligence such as general intelligence and on tests requiring problem solving and more complex mental operations than on tests of rote learning and immediate memory. The gap has narrowed since the s but still persists stubbornly. Debate has raged among the psychologists and social scientists about the reasons for the gap. The "hereditists" believe that the difference in the IQ test scores of Blacks and Whites is largely due to genetic reasons. The "environmentalists" are equally certain that the gap is due to environmental reasons and has nothing to do with genetics.

This paper looks at both the heredity explanation as well as the environmental explanations of…. References Dorfman, Donald D. Contemporary Psychology, APA's journal of book reviews. html Haughton, Noela A. htm Jencks, Christopher and Phillips, Meredith. Christopher Jencks and Meredith Phillips - eds. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. Keita, L. Additionally, conservationists suggest increasing patrols to improve overall enforcement of existing laws, better boundary demarcation, and the development of stronger hunting quotas. All of these measures require significant and lasting funding.

Current Status This Park is in a state of crisis. ith most of its large mammals now extinct from the Park, and illegal users on the rise, Park Rangers are simply outmatched. Poachers can find a thriving market for illegal bushmeat and rare birds. Illegal loggers easily find buyers for rare trees. The Park is under-staffed and under-funded and soon to face new challenges if the upstream dam is built along the Gambia River as planned. Conclusion The Galapagos Islands and the Niokola-Koba National Park represent two of Planet Earth's most valuable treasures. They contain biodiversity that not only provides scientific opportunity but may support the health of the entire ecosystem in their respective regions.

Both sites are listed…. Works Cited Novy, Julia W. Incentive Measures for Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainability: A Case Study of the Galapagos Islands. United Nations Environment Program: WWF-USA. UN Chronicle. Conservation of Endemic Biodiversity of the Galapagos World Heritage Site. Education in the East and West The difference between education in the East and the West is primarily a difference in culture. Today, cultural differences are less pronounced than they were a century ago. Globalized society has seen cultures meld and melt into one another, so that in many senses the East resembles the West in more ways than one Igarashi.

However, deeply rooted cultural cues still represent a fundamental reason for existing educational differences between the East and the West. This paper will describe these differences and show why they exist. Medieval Guilds were important to production standards in the time of the Renaissance. For example, "in places where guilds were strong, they exercised strict oversight over training" Hansen. In fact, the education and apprenticeship of the Renaissance was a highly skilled exercise that began at the youngest age and often required more than a decade of training.

Li, Jin. Cultural Foundations of Learning: East and West. UK: Cambridge, Li's book is very helpful in understanding the differences between Eastern and Western education: it highlights cultural influences in the West, from the Greeks, and in the East, from Confucius and Buddha, etc. It looks at how religion and science have both played a part in where East and West are educationally speaking. Islamic Technology Cultural and Construction History of the Islamic Golden Age Cultural Environment The Islamic Golden Age is also known as the Caliphate of Islam or the Islamic Renaissance. The term refers to a system of political, cultural, and religious authority derived from the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed in the early sixth century AD.

At its high point under the Abbassid Dynasty eighth to thirteenth centuries AD , Islamic civilisation experienced a flourish of art and culture that blended Arab, Persian, Egyptian, and European elements Kraemer. The result was an era of incredible intellectual and cultural advancements Wiet. At the height of its power, the Caliphate controlled all of the present-day Middle East, all of northern Africa and into Spain, and as far east as the Indus Valley, making it among the largest empires of all time and one of the few states ever to extend direct rule over three…. com is an interesting website.

The website of the company has a 'search' option. When the word 'diversity' is put in the search box, it yielded several answers and most of them were related to customers and employees. The results showed where the company used the word 'diversity' in documents related to customers and employees. One of the documents titled 'Core Purpose and Values' of the company stated "Understanding people -- customers, colleagues,…. References Alserhan, B. Employees' attitudes towards diversity in a non-ewestern context. Employee Relations, 32 1 , Making the difference -- " critical perspectives on the configuration of work, diversity and inequalities. Equal Div And Incl: An Int J, 32 6. Leisure managers' perceptions of employee diversity and impact of employee diversity.

International Journal Of Hospitality Management, 32, Tesco plc. Heritage Assessment Tool Benchmark assessment Heritage Assessment Tool: Cultural values and health beliefs Cultural sensitivity is an integral part of effective nursing. Although the definitions of concepts such as 'health' and 'wellness' might seem on their surface to be self-evident, these notions are, in fact, highly mutable and particular to the individual and his or her culture. Cultural insensitivity can result in patients becoming alienated from the medical system and this results in poorer, ineffectual care. One of the reasons instruments such as the Heritage Assessment Tool can be so useful is that it can be a clear and efficient way to establish the culturally-contextual health beliefs of a patient whose experiences and values that are different those of the physician, nurse, or other healthcare provider treating the patient.

The first family I interviewed was a Chinese-American household. Although the family was relatively assimilated and the children were second-generation residents…. Cultural Diversity: What Is It? Thus, for example, a nation like America could be said to be culturally diverse because it is represented by various cultures and ethnicities throughout the land. At the same time, being culturally diverse is also about showing respect and appreciation for and towards the various cultural and ethnic groups within the community. Diversity is something that is recognized rather than something is suppressed or ignored. True cultural diversity is not just the physical make-up of the group of community but also the state of mind of the members of that group regarding how they think about and view diversity.

Yet, as DiMaggio and Bryson show, cultural diversity remains a controversial subject for some. One of the main challenges of cultural…. References Day, R. Facing the Challenge of Cultural Diversity. Retrieved Nov. html DiMaggio, P. Public attitudes towards cultural authority and cultural diversity in higher education and the arts. pdf Turner-Vorbeck, Tammy A. Expanding multicultural education to include family diversity. Multicultural Education,13 2 , Retrieved August from ProQuest. Social, Cultural, And Economic Dimensions of Information Use Library institutions play a vital role in addressing social and political issues through the provision of relevant information.

It is the responsibility of front-line employees, reference service librarians, and the paraprofessionals to make decisions and set the tone that will inspire a dynamic relationship within a community. Social Dimension Librarians are responsible in ensuring that their institution meets the demands of its users in multiple ways. In terms of the community, libraries are more than access to media and books or even the internet. In some cases, it acts as the focal point for community opportunity and involvement. In small cities, libraries are among the few public buildings where community members….

References Gallagher, A. Economic, social, and cultural rights: A legal resource guide. Philadelphia, Pa: Univ. Of Pennsylvania Press. Trauth, E. The culture of an information economy: Influences and impacts in the Republic of Ireland. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. socal and cultural mpacts of establshng an eco-Toursm enterprse n Joao Pessoa, Brazl. The development of eco-toursm n specfc areas s antcpated due to partnershp wth local bankng ntutons; local government nterest and regulatons; and a general growth of awareness of the tenson between the tourst dollar, the envronment and local cultures.

Research Methods Prmary research ntervews and questonnares wll be conducted to analyze the feasblty of the project. Secondary research wll be carred out, n the form of a…. i Adventurers set out to discover other lands e. The development of tourism has influenced people and society, and has created thousands of organizations, at many levels: national and international, governmental or non- governmental. Tourism has thus led to the creation of million of jobs worldwide, in what is today is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Tourism has led people to confront different attitudes and to admire eclectic cultures. In addition, to be able to understand these cultures, society at large has had to adapt to the pluralism of cultures by learning languages other than their own, different types of gastronomy and music, and also by adopting a greater tolerance of different religions.

Not celebrating Christmas, and not having time off from school for Persian religious holidays, has always made me take great notice of the fact that I am "different. It took me quite awhile to come to this realization and to fully accept my culturally diverse identity as a Persian-American, but now that I have I realize that the diversity I struggled with in my youth has actually given me a great advantage in modern society. I am already prepared and well equipped not only to "deal with" cultural diversity, but to actively engage and navigate a world where it is commonplace. Learning to not only tolerate but to utilize cultural diversity in the workplace can be very difficult. Even something considered as standard by many people such….

References Carnevale, a. During, J. The art of Persian music. New York: Mage publishing. Accessed 8 September html Woods, S. Decline of African Heritage in America hen Africans were uprooted from their homes and their land and forcibly brought to the Americas at first they retained many of their cultural traits and values; however, as time passed and they were assimilated into the Euro-American culture, those cultural traditions and values were lost. In hindsight, the ugly scar on the history of the founding of the United States can't ever be healed, but the dignity of the history of the Africans who were brought here should be part of history, and be honored. The first premise of this research is that languages and culturally identifying traits brought to the American shores by Africans stayed in play during slavery years -- but a great deal of that aspect of African culture is gone today.

Secondly, historians have "lost" African heritage and culture through incomplete recounting of African and slave history. Literature Review….

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