Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Examples of reflective essays in nursing

Examples of reflective essays in nursing

Prepare the essentials — open your notebook or create a Word document and make sure you have all the necessary notes and resources ready. Polishing your essay is the last but not the least step of the writing process. com maintains a zero-plagiarism examples of reflective essays in nursing in all papers. Coursework Technical papers My Homework Writers harbors professional academic writers from diverse academic disciplines. Analysis: What sense can be made of the situation?

Definition of Gibbs Reflective Cycle

As a practitioner, reflective writing in nursing involves a process of making sense of experiences in order to learn. Oftentimes, nurses and other medical practitioners reflect as a part of their daily practice, sometimes even unaware that they are doing it. Reflective writing in nursing has numerous benefits for both the professionals and the patients. To reflect effectively, nurses should describe, analyze, and evaluate experiences from their respective practices in a manner that helps them make sense of it. Reflection can happen before, during, and after an experience or event.

Regardless of the moment, it happens, it often allows for learning. When practicing reflective writing nursing, avoid choosing negative examples of reflective essays in nursing, since they may make you dwell on things that never went well instead of focusing on what went well. Therefore, always be mindful of what you choose to reflect on, and gravitate towards more positive events or experiences. While Reflection often happens at an individual level, reflective writing in nursing can happen in a group setting depending on the situation. Such Reflection can either be formal or informal, which includes reflecting for revalidation purposes.

Need assistance in reflective writing in nursing? Then head over to Myhomeworkwriters. com, the best online essay help service. For many years now, My Homework Writers has established itself as the best, most affordable essay help service available for students. Regarding reflective writing in nursing, some of the services you can access at My Homework Writers include:. The definition of reflective writing in nursing can be drawn from the practice of Reflection, examples of reflective essays in nursing. Reflective practice involves going back over experiences or events of a particular working day, and examining what you did and how you did it. You can think of nursing reflection as a cycle, where you look at the events that happened, what you did, what you could have done better, and what you can do next time.

Reflective writing in nursing is not about this in your abilities and finding the flaws in the decisions you made in the course of your work. However, if you made any mistakes during specific stages of work, or if you could have handled matters better, reflective writing in nursing can help improve your work. Through such improvements, you can be in a position to respond better when similar events happen in the future. While reflective practice in writing is quite common, you can also do it by thinking if it is more comfortable for you. However, it is recommendable to take notes, because such tangible evidence often comes in handy later.

Another excellent way of reflective practice is via supervision sessions. Below are some steps to follow during reflective writing in nursing:. A reflective piece of writing is a form of essay where the writer examines experiences in their life. After examination, examples of reflective essays in nursing, the writer writes about such experiences, diving deeper into how they changed, grew, or developed from them. Depending on your discipline and audience, the format of your reflective piece of writing may change slightly.

Think about an experience or an event that could make an excellent topic for your Reflection. When you have settled on a single event, contemplate how you feel about it, how the event affected your life, and why it affected you. Doing this will enable you to create a thesis statement, which should serve as the focal point of your reflection paper. A great way to do this is by writing down your thesis statement and drawing a circle around it. After doing this, identify the main ideas and arguments that will support your thesis, while helping readers follow how your thoughts and experiences evolve throughout the essay. Group these ideas into paragraphs which you will focus on examples of reflective essays in nursing out later.

Connect all these ideas to your central circle. Finally, decide on the logical sequencing of your paragraphs, and arrange them accordingly. When you eventually embark on writing your Reflection, take examples of reflective essays in nursing off with a strong opening paragraph. Make the introduction of your essay very attention-grabbing. A catchy introductory paragraph will make your readers hooked from the very onset. State all the supporting ideas, examples, and arguments within the body paragraphs of your Reflection. Within each paragraph, make sure you emphasize only one experience or point, as well as your reflections on it.

Wrap up your Reflection with a conclusion paragraph. Provide a brief summary of your thoughts within the first sentence of your conclusion. Think about everything you have learned and how your experiences may be helpful to others. If appropriate, conclude your essay with a rhetorical question to your audience about how they would act in a similar situation. Alternatively, you could ask them to reflect on topics such as what you have written about on their own, examples of reflective essays in nursing. Since the introduction of reflective practice in nursing, nurses have enjoyed significant benefits, examples of reflective essays in nursing.

Some of the benefits include:. Regardless of profession, people process information differently. This is even without considering the fact that most nurses work under stress, the commitments they make, and the limited time they get to spend with their loved ones. What this implies in real terms is that whenever nurses make mistakes or learn new things, they retain information differently. This is because some nurses may not retain information too well, while others retain a lot of information. Through reflective writing in nursing, however, nurses have to sit down and consciously contemplate about their experiences at work.

This action of conscious thinking implies that nurses begin to place their incidents or days at work in long-term memory. As nurses begin to go over different events and reflect on all the alternative actions they could have taken, they reinforce positive actions deeper into their memories. While Reflection can occur before or after a specific event, it often takes place during events. This implies that nurses reflect on their actions as they write in their daily journals or discuss matters with their managers. With practice, however, reflective practice can happen in action. This occurs when nurses recognize different situations while they are still in them, and are capable of reflecting on what is happening.

Such Reflection takes nurses down a road of mindfulness, i. Nurses neither have to examples of reflective essays in nursing anything that pops into their heads nor do they have to panic and become nervous during the moment. All kinds of things can happen to nurses and patients during the course of work. Sometimes things happen in the presence of nurses, and sometimes they walk in and find examples of reflective essays in nursing unfolding. Clearly remembering incidents and events as they occurred, without leaving out your actions can be a very vital skill. This is why reflective writing in nursing is highly encouraged, be it formal or simply writing in a daily journal.

Through reflective writing in nursing, nurses can capture all vital pieces of information and refer to them in the future if need be. Reflection is a vital skill for all health professionals since it helps them share knowledge with other health professionals. It benefits practitioners and enables them to make sense of challenging situations. Without a doubt, this helps optimize work practices while improving interprofessional relationships. Through Reflection, examples of reflective essays in nursing, nurses and other health professionals alike examples of reflective essays in nursing look into the practices of their colleagues from an objective point of view. By doing this, nurses can boost the quality of their performances at work. Reflection creates room for identifying strengths and weaknesses, which form a basis for enhancing and developing the areas that need improvement.

Below are some recommended steps to follow when writing reflective accounts:. All reflective writing in nursing or any other kind of Reflection for that matter begins with an introduction. In the introduction, state the expectations you had for a lesson, reading, or experience intend to reflect on. End your introduction with a thesis statement that shows how your views changed. While most reflective essays follow the conventional introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion format, reflective examples of reflective essays in nursing in nursing follows a slightly different format. Reflective nursing essays typically consist of the following elements:. Writing about educational or professional experiences in the nursing field is a common practice that has been in place for a long time now, examples of reflective essays in nursing.

This form of writing enables nurses to develop Reflection and consequently learn from their experiences. Most healthcare professionals encourage reflective writing to sustain the development of relational, ethical, and clinical competence in nurses while promoting self-knowledge. The introduction of a nursing essay should explain the purpose of the essay and inform readers what to expect. This section should only have valuable and important details of the essay. In this section, nurses not only have to demonstrate their reactions to specific situations but also share their personal feelings. Oftentimes these feelings should be about how they were able to overcome their emotions and act rationally.

While evaluating your experiences, remember to keep things short. You can make this section a summary of their experiences or events in question mean to you at a professional level. This section has a close connection to the previous section. While in the previous section, you are only providing a summary of the specific event or experiences, this section should focus on illustrating what the specific events or experiences made you understand. Also, illustrate any plans of self-development you intend to pursue in the future. This section is very simple and straightforward. Provide a summary of all the information you discuss within the essay. Avoid introducing any new ideas, as it may confuse your readers. The aim of this essay is to reflect on my encounter with a patient in a healthcare setting.

Reflection is often synonymous with learning from experiences. Professionals view it as an important approach to embracing a system of lifelong learning. Most professionals view this method as an effective way of promoting professional and personal development, both independent and qualified professionals. Such development eventually stimulates both professional and personal growth. The event I will be reflecting in this paper happened during my placement in the oncology ward during the first year of my professional career as a nurse.

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They either argue a particular perspective analytical or base the narration on previous experiences reflective. This focus is what differentiates one type of essay from another, as both analytical and reflective nursing essays can be quite similar stylistically. Speaking of structural parts, the basic outline for an analytical essay on nursing can look like this:. Creating a nursing reflection essay is a long and challenging journey that requires total concentration on a task. No doubts, you might get too overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to get done. We know how to avoid anxiety. Just follow out tips and write an outstanding nursing reflection paper! We will write a custom essays specifically for you!

Ironically, most of the major problems usually happen at this initial stage. So, you just need to know how to overcome them right away. After you create perfect conditions, make another significant step to start writing. You still need to remember what we talked about in the very beginning—your story has to be unique. Use these questions as a framework, and fill the essay with unique content. No wonder outlining is a vital part of the essay writing process. It helps to reach the logical flow of ideas and organize all the arguments and examples in the right order. Also, you can easily edit a well-developed structure if something seems wrong. After creating an outline, it would be a great idea to write the rough draft of your nursing reflective essay.

This step will help you to avoid all the possible mistakes before submitting the paper. Polishing your essay is the last but not the least step of the writing process. Revise your rough draft, make sure your ideas are coherent and supporting evidence is logical, and then create a final version of the essay. We created the checklist of what you should take into consideration while revising your nursing reflective essay. Although people say there is a lack of nurses in the United States and a high demand for good specialists with a stellar education, it is not that easy to pass a nursing school admission. It seems like nursing schools are looking for outstanding students, who have made a firm decision to become a nurse and will contribute to the community of the school and the field of healthcare in general.

You need to showcase this capability in your nursing application essay, where you reflect on your goals or experience. As curious as it may sound, some students do not have that answer. If you are one of them, you might want to reconsider your decision. Being a nurse is stressful. It requires dedication, a strong philosophy, and stable mental health. Getting a nursing education is a serious step in your life. So, be confident about your choice not to regret it later. The video below will give you an idea of what a day in the life of a nurse is like. So, stay with us! You probably know that competition in nursing schools is especially severe compared to other educational institutions. Your paper should be outstanding if you want to be accepted.

These parts contain all relevant info that the admission officers want to know about an applicant. These are essential questions to answer in the nursing school essay. You do double-duty by responding to these questions. As we have mentioned before, the competition is going to be tough. It is not easy to enter a nursing school even with the best scores and a high GPA. So, your essay should be of the highest quality! Below, you will find the list of the most critical errors for a nursing application essay. Investigate them here:. The process of writing a nursing essay has its own tips and tricks.

So, go forth and do it. Did we miss something? Want to add more helpful info? Write about it in the comments below! A good essay of this kind is a reflection of personal feelings, impressions, and motivation. It should be based on a real-life example. Analyze the emotions it provoked, what could have been improved, etc. Before you start writing, focus on your personal impressions provoked by a certain event or topic. Then put them down and organize cohesively. Do not forget about an appropriate introduction and a memorable conclusion. If you are to write a good application essay to progress your career as a nurse, start with formulating your personal motivation to pursue this occupation.

Draft the arguments and relevant examples, and then distill the right wording to make your paper persuasive and impressive. It is a good idea to read some examples of reflective essay conclusions, but make sure that your own version is personal and sincere. A reflective essay is all about your own thoughts and perceptions, so you may simply paraphrase and summarize them. Thanks for your nursing reflective essay guide. It really helped me cope with my reflective essay in nursing. Environment vs. On the one hand, environmental problems are increasing year after year. We have more polluted areas on our planet, more polluted rivers, fewer trees that produce oxygen.

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You might want to elaborate on importance and difficulties Racial profiling is not uncommon. It occurs when people are suspected of committing a crime based on their skin color or ethnicity. Having witnessed the distress caused to both the patient and members of the public, I am now aware of the important of being more assertive if similar situations were to arise in future. Although I believe I should have intervened at the time, the experience I have gained from this has made me more aware of the important of always acting in the best interests of the patient even when this may take courage. I believe that having greater confidence in my ability to scan would have reduced my diffusion of responsibility and allowed me to act in a more autonomous fashion. There should also be a greater emphasis to establish strong working relationships between healthcare professionals to in turn increase levels of group cohesiveness Rutkowski et al Action plan.

My future practice will involve becoming more proactive when I believe that there is a risk to patient confidentiality, and I will not assume that other members of staff will act in a professional manner at all times. I will continue to undertake reflective practice by using the model proposed by Gibbs , and will aim to become confident when protecting patient confidentiality, particularly in situations where I am applying clinical skills which are new to me or that I do not feel completely confident with. As a trainee healthcare scientist, I aim to consistently implement the values and principles as set forth by the HCPC of a clinical scientist, and although this experience was difficult, I now feel that I have a greater understanding of these principles and values.

Changes in norms and behaviours. Due to the incident, I have formed a new set of behaviours. The first of these is that I will no longer assume that all members of staff will act in accordance with guidelines about patient confidentiality. Tied to this is a conscious effort on my part to refrain from assuming that I can predict the actions of other healthcare workers and I will always prioritise the welfare of patients in my care. Critical reflection of this incident has made it clear that there is a deference to those I deem more senior than myself, perhaps due to a subconscious desire to maintain good working relationships. It is possible that the major obstacles which prevented me from speaking out in this incident were my perception of an authority gradient between myself and my colleague and low group cohesiveness.

To prevent future events like this occurring I will express any concerns about my clinical skills before beginning any procedures in order to both reduce any authority gradient and to also reduce the diffusion of responsibility as much as possible. I now feel more confident in protecting patient confidentiality and will aim to always embody the values and principles of a healthcare scientist. Professional college paper writers: 1 Best Essay Writer: Are you looking for a custom essay service to accommodate your specific needs? At study-tutors.

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ESSAY HELP In detail explain the differences between a complete and incomplete spinal cord injury. ESSAY HELP Demonstrate the use of research evidence for nursing practice applied to the care of a client. ESSAY HELP Review the media of the Bradley case and consider how the case relates to social work professional ethics. Top Menu Order Now Log In. Gibbs Reflective Cycle Example Create a reflective piece using the Gibbs Reflective Model which identifies an incident in the workplace where there was a lack of leadership. The process consists of the following steps: Click to Expand Description: What happened? I brought Mrs. As a nurse it is important to use critical thinking to resolve problems related to direct patient care and as a student nurse, I asked for additional help since l did not know what else was happening to Mrs.

Amanda because she said she was feeling very exhausted. Following discussion with Michael, I felt that Mrs. Amanda was uncomfortable, in pain and one of the healthcare assistants mentioned that Mrs. To preserve safety under the NMC code , I made a referral to Michael so that we worked towards the best interests of Mrs. Amanda as this was a concern to me. This is where my time management skills came in place, I made a timely report to the doctors who reacted appropriately since her oxygen levels and blood pressure were low. To my understanding, blood pressure and heart rate are very important to know the patients wellbeing to avoid cardiac arrest.

The multi-disciplinary team members obtained information that clarifies the nature of the problem while suggesting possible solutions. After re-assessment by the doctors that responded to the call, the doctor prescribed 48 meropenem for her since she had history of cystic fibrosis an inherited condition that causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. I had the competency in medicine administration but on this occasion l was observed by two qualified nurses including Michael who talked me through the procedure while asking me questions about cystic fibrosis which l answered but he gave me feedback that I had insufficient information about the disease but I turned this into a positive feedback and read about it.

Amanda was deterioting. The ward sister discussed with the doctor that Mrs. Amanda may benefit from Opti flow and the team agreed for Opti flow trial. An Opti flow is a non-invasive device that warms and humidifies high flow nasal cannula air or oxygen which are delivered to the patient. Doctors recognise and work within the limits of their competence through making the care of their patient their first concern. The doctor called the critical care outreach team to provide the Opti-flow but Mrs. Amanda was feeling tired. For example, one of the nurse showed her courage and commitment to patient care by explaining to the doctor that it was not appropriate to continue the Opti flow due to exhaustion and poor improvement of Mrs.

The doctor listened to the nurses concern and responded by later requesting for continuous positive airway pressure which is used as a treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. Since Mrs. Amanda had capacity, the doctors and consultant explained to her and the family members that some of her organs were failing to function and among the roles of a doctor is to maintain trust by being honest, open and act with integrity. Amanda was then placed on End of life Pathway see appendix 3 for End of life pathway for acute hospitals with her consent, transferred in a side room for privacy and referred to the palliative team. A nurse is expected to provide safe and competent care so that harm such as physical, psychological or material to the recipient of the service is prevented. While End of life as a patient, she was now nil by mouth because she had difficulty in swallowing and to prevent more discomfort, the doctors and nurses agreed to switch her to humidified oxygen for comfort.

While on humidified oxygen, Mrs. Amanda was sweaty and getting exhausted when me and one of the sisters were changing her. The ward sister then explained to the family that she was getting exhausted so they should limit making her talk. Relating Mrs. Acute pain is of short or limited duration usually associated with traumatic tissue injuries, whereas chronic pain is a pain or discomfort persisting for about 3 to 6 months and may persist beyond the healing period. Chronic pain despite therapeutic interventions for example medications, nursing care , physio and occupational therapists is classified as intractable pain which Mrs. Amanda was experiencing. Pain can be influenced among other things by culture, previous pain experience, mood, ability to cope or even belief and individuals should be treated differently.

Initially when I learnt that Mrs.

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