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Welfare state essay

Welfare state essay

International comparisons of income distribution, poverty, and inequality make this readily apparent. Grogger, J. Today, the welfare programs are controlled by federal government in U. On an individual level, it would certainly be nice for wealthy persons to assist their welfare state essay men and women…. All three factors have contributed to the growing wealth inequality within the United States.

Origins Of The Welfare State

The welfare state was an essentially European invention that spread and developed in the states of western Europe and some of their New World offshoots. in which organized power is deliberately used. in an effort to modify the play of welfare state essay forces in at least three directions—first, by guaranteeing individuals and families a minimum income. are offered the best standards available in relation to a certain agreed range of social services. Industrialization, welfare state essay, the rise of capitalism, urbanization, and population growth had under mined the traditional forms of welfare provision offered by family networks, feudal ties, guilds, municipalities, and churches, creating a new class of disenfranchised poor, welfare state essay.

At the same time, the formation of nation-states, secularization of governance, and welfare state essay of mass democracy was creating an institutional framework for political articulation of social needs, and the gains in productivity resulting from industrialization provided the resources to meet them. This transformation was occurring in similar fashion throughout western Europe and parts of the New World, but the political responses to it, and the moral incentives for providing welfare and coping with what came to be known as die soziale Frage the social questionvaried widely, welfare state essay. There was remarkable diversity in the national trajectories of welfare state building and resultant social policy constellations.

In the authoritarian European monarchies that pioneered social security legislation in the s, welfare state essay, social programs were imposed from the top down, while in the democracies of Switzerland and the New World, they emerged from the bottom up. Policy goals, types of institutions and financing mechanisms, program types and administration, the blends of public and private provision, and the use of cash transfers, social services, and regulatory policies all differ dramatically between nations. When the first welfare states emerged in the nineteenth century, many social scientists, most notably the German economist Adolph Wagner inconsidered the phenomenon to be the direct fallout of industrialization and its accordant social and economic changes.

Infor example, military expenditures in the industrialized countries comprised an average of 25 percent of total public expenditure, whereas social expenditures were only 4 percent. But by the beginning of the twenty-first century these warfare versus welfare spending priorities had been turned upside down. Among the countries of the welfare state essay world in the yearthe average spent on the military had shrunk to 4 percent, whereas that spent on social programs had increased to 40 percent of total public expenditure.

According to such theories, welfare state essay, welfare state expansion should have been a steady process that followed similar trajectories in all industrialized countries. In fact, however, expansion occurred in a sporadic manner, with spurts of growth and stagnation, while national welfare states came in a plethora of different sizes and shapes. Infor example, U. public expenditure was only Modern theories of welfare state essay welfare state account for these temporal and national idiosyncrasies by focusing on political determinants such as the partisan complexion of government, political institutions, and international influences.

However, as historian Peter Baldwin has noted, no single configuration of socioeconomic variables or group of actors can fully explain the development of the welfare state. With the establishment of the International Labour Organization ILO inthe first efforts to internationalize some aspects of social policy went into effect. Welfare state essay collapse of the central powers monarchies in World War I — and the subsequent democratization of Europe meant that huge new segments of society had a voice in government. Unions and parties representing laborers gained access to the corridors of power, and parties based on Christian social doctrines rose to the fore. In most countries, the Great Depression — put an end to this first phase of welfare state expansion, but in the United States and Scandinavia it actually provided an impetus to development.

World War II — and the subsequent drive to establish an internationally sanctioned world order to ensure peace and security had a major impact on welfare state development. European welfare states experienced their second massive growth spurt during the so-called trentes glorieuses, from to The ruling paradigm during this period was that increased economic integration and trade among European nations would forestall future conflicts, but European integration was a gradual process, and this welfare state essay wave of welfare state expansion, which was episodic, took place in economies that were still relatively closed.

Companies could not relocate beyond national borders to avoid taxation, nor was it easy for workers to migrate abroad in search of better wages. Solidarity was welfare state essay requisite component of such economies, and governments of all partisan complexions took advantage of the opportunity to impose redistribution. The war had paved the way for public support of the Keynesian economic model, which had been developed during the depression. With whole societies in need of rebuilding, it was easy to justify high taxes and public expenditures if they promoted high employment and cared for the disabled and destitute. The idea that capitalist economies required government intrusion in economic and social affairs to manage demand and stabilize business cycles was widely accepted.

Exceptionally high rates of postwar economic growth and a relatively even balance of power between labor unions and business interests tended to mitigate conflict over the distribution of wealth. Existing social programs were extended to cover new groups of beneficiaries, such as peasants or the self-employed, entirely new social welfare schemes were adopted, and there was a general increase in social benefits throughout the developed world. Even as nations became wealthier and welfare states expanded, welfare state essay, the national differences in social expenditure levels and institutional patterns persisted and new ones developed. In the early s, welfare capitalism began to welfare state essay and the golden age came to an end, welfare state essay.

The international political economy had undergone a fundamental transformation, beginning in the early s with the collapse of the Bretton Woods financial system and the economic slowdown that the oilprice crises had triggered. The welfare state came under fire from all directions, welfare state essay. Criticism came from across the political spectrum, but the biggest challenge came from proponents of neoliberalism and a new, morally engaged conservatism. They viewed high cash transfer rates as a distortion of the labor market that discouraged business investment and inhibited economic growth.

As neoliberal parties gained and wielded power in the s, deregulation, the internationalization of capital markets, and escalating trade liberalization became the nor m. The s were characterized by the emergence of a truly global economy that included the Single European Market and European Monetary Union. In Europe the deepening of integration imposed constraints on fiscal and monetary policy that precluded Keynesian macroeconomic programs at the national level. It also meant that national welfare states lost a degree of sovereignty and became embedded in an emerging multilevel social policy regime, welfare state essay. More generally, economic globalization created more competition between nation-states for footloose welfare state essay and investments, which depended in part on low labor costs and intensified pressures on national social standards, welfare state essay.

Enhanced exit options for capital made taxation and redistribution more difficult to implement and created an asymmetric balance of power between labor organizations and business interests. Table 1: The Three Worlds Of Welfare Capitalism According To Gøsta Esping-Andersen. In addition to the external challenges posed by the emergence of the global economy, mature welfare states also have been confronted by a number of internal domestic challenges that are related to societal modernization and the transition from industrial to postindustrial economies. Service sector productivity is generally lower than industrial sector productivity.

This means that the service sector generates lower rates of economic growth and smaller wage increases, both of welfare state essay have negative feedback effects on public revenues. Private service sector jobs also tend to be less well-compensated than industrial jobs, welfare state essay. Gains in employment in the private service sector can only be achieved by generating higher inequality, unless the public sector exercises a compensatory function. Competing in the global economy requires a flexible labor force that can be upsized, welfare state essay, downsized, and transformed by retraining or replacements as demand changes and competitive advantages shift away from established industries.

This need, as well as greater labor market participation by women, has led welfare state essay the proliferation of part-time, temporary, welfare state essay, and fixed-term jobs. The welfare state was not designed to accommodate these alternative forms of labor, which can be expected, in the long run, to produce large numbers of elderly poor. The increase in the number of women in the labor market also has decreased the capacity of families to provide welfare, as women who stayed at home were traditionally responsible for the care of children, elders, and the infirm. An welfare state essay in the numbers of single-parent households has had similar effects.

At the same time, the erosion of traditional family forms and changes in male and female contributions have generated new social risks and needs, placing new demands on social care. Single parents and families with many children, for example, now comprise a significant percentage of the poor, welfare state essay. The two other potential challenges to national welfare states are demographic. Life expectancies have increased dramatically over the past decades, while fertility rates have declined, welfare state essay. The result is an aging population and increased demand for the most expensive welfare state programs—pensions, health, and long-term care—that will require greater expenditures in the future, welfare state essay.

Scholars such as Alberto Alesina and Edward L, welfare state essay. Glaeser also expect the increasing ethnic heterogeneity in European societies to pose problems for social-democratic and conservative welfare states. They maintain that these welfare states are based on a set of common values and political community, welfare state essay, and that increasing ethnic heterogeneity will undermine this solidarity and make legitimation of redistribution impossible to achieve, pushing continental Europe toward American-style liberal social policy. Many scholars, however, disagree with this assessment. National welfare state regimes have exhibited varying degrees of vulnerability and resistance to the problems and challenges that have plagued them since the s, and they have followed quite different pathways to accommodate them.

Nevertheless, there have been common trends in welfare state restructuring that stretch across the different types of regimes. None of the established national welfare states were completely dismantled—popular support of the welfare state made it impossible to achieve legitimation for such measures—but retrenchment was common, with widespread reductions in benefits. Ironically, benefit cutbacks were outpaced by increasing expenditures due to rising unemployment, aging populations, and the emergence of new social risks. In almost all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD nations sincepublic and private welfare state essay expenditures have increased. But while public social spending levels in the different types of welfare welfare state essay regimes have converged over time, levels of private social expenditure have not.

Furthermore, reductions in benefits have been asymmetrical, among programs within regimes, as well as among regimes, and in some areas benefits were increased or expanded. Since the mids, for example, most Western welfare states have attempted to increase employment rates and recognize the role of the family in welfare provision. There has been a general expansion of family policy, with a focus on paid parental leave programs, more social services for children, and the welfare state essay of cash transfers and tax breaks for families with children. With respect to old age pensions, there has been welfare state essay general shift toward multipillar pension schemes. As attempts were made to decrease state liability for supporting aging populations, the reliance on private pension schemes increased.

Most health reforms focused on cost containment. Labor market policies generally shifted away from passive support toward active and activation policies aimed at integrating the unemployed into welfare state essay labor market, and at generally reducing welfare dependency. Worker training programs, wage subsidies, and job placement services for the unemployed have been greatly expanded. Typical coercive components of these policies include welfare state essay in cash benefits, stricter conditions for benefit eligibility, shorter benefit duration for the able-bodied unemployed, and weaker employment protection and working time regulations. These common trends in welfare state restructuring have led to some blurring of regime types, but the demarcation lines with respect to modes of financing, personal coverage, and benefit generosity persist much as they had during the postwar golden age.

If welfare state essay take into account the various private forms of provision and the impact of different tax systems, we see that major divides between contemporary welfare state regimes persist, determined not by their net amount of social spending, but rather, welfare state essay, by differences in structure and institutional make-up. International comparisons of welfare state essay distribution, poverty, and inequality welfare state essay this readily apparent. While the distribution of market incomes has developed almost in parallel across OECD countries, the OECD showed for the early s that inequality in disposable incomes was reduced by 40 percent in Sweden and only 5 percent in Korea—these were the two extremes.

The impact of the particular mix of public and private benefit provision, for example, welfare state essay, is readily apparent in a cross-national comparison. Poverty and inequality are significantly lower in Nordic and Bismarckian welfare states, where public provision is dominant, than in most liberal welfare states, welfare state essay, where markets play a greater role. This example Welfare State Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services.

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The New York Times. Widespread corruption and lawbreaking by society's leaders may therefore have a profound disinhibiting effect on the rest of the population. According to this thesis, the prevalence of crime and corruption leads to further crime and corruption. Thus, crime is, according to such an explanation, not merely related to antecedent conditions, such as poverty and general disadvantage, but can gather its own momentum. Gabor, Evaluate 2 of the sociological explanations: The concept that all one needs to stop poverty is "rational self-interest and self-maximizing behavior" is ignorant of the real world at best and cruel beyond words at worst. Social learning theory, it seems on reflection, would excuse almost any behavior on the grounds that….

Last year, 76 minors were homicide victims. Under the new system, Children's Trusts will be set up "at the local level to bring experts - psychologists, social workers, education officials - together, with a local director ultimately accountable. EPL was ineffective in controlling child-related problems. Children were subjected to cruel working conditions, they had hardly any proper means of nutrition and overseers probably did not care much about them. The same is true today. While there are protection agencies, social workers and others working for welfare of children, there is little if any improvement in their condition especially in….

REFERENCE: 1. Mark Rice-Oxley, Child-abuse tragedy spurs British overhaul of social services; the government unveiled a plan last week to keep better records on children and streamline the bureaucracy. Bliss , "Elizabethan Poor Laws" pp. The two have undergone the trauma of having their children taken away by governmental authorities. He believes that social and economic inequalities should be arranged so that they are both to the greatest benefit to the least advantaged and that offices and positions of authority be open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity Piccard. Rawls contends that in order for distributive justice to work social and economic process must exist under suitable political and economic institutions.

He calls for the establishment of four background institutions or branches, in the government to ensure equity of justice. The allocation branch ensures that the pricing system is competitive and that no individual or corporation forms unreasonable market power. The stabilization branch endeavors to bring about reasonably full employment opportunities for those that want to work. The transfer branch guarantees a certain level of well-being. Finally, the distribution branch strives to preserve an approximate justice in distributive shares by means of taxation and the necessary adjustments…. Works Cited James, Louis. Source LP News. Loo, Dennis. April Piccard, Dick.

Rawls, John. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Incentive Programs Among Low Income The effects of work incentive programs in encouraging low income individuals to participate in employment depend on the income thresholds of reforms in whether the individual gains benefits that are equal to or greater than what they would receive by not working. The factors in the determination include after tax income plus benefits, such as Earned Income Tax Credit EITC and fixed work costs, compared to the total change in revenue received. If the loss of welfare is greater than the total change in revenue, work incentives have no value and discourage employment participation. On the other hand, if the total amount of changed revenue is greater than the welfare loss and compensates for fixed work costs, incentives encourage employment among the low income.

The Tax Reform Act of TRA86 expanded EITC benefits by increases in the standard deduction, personal deductions, and favorable tax…. Works Cited Elissa, Nada. Taxation and Labor Supply of Married Women: The Tax Reform Act of ' as a Natural Experiment. Feb working paper. Welfare Effects of Tax Reform and Labor Supply at the Intensive and Extensive Margins. May Riccio, Jim. Promoting Employment Stability and Advancement Among Low-Income Adults. Mar Rothstein, Jesse. The Unintended Consequences of Encouraging Work: Tax Incidence on the EITC. Secondly, social welfare programs try to benefit most people.

The recipients are not just poor households, the elderly, veterans, or students, but also farmers, petroleum companies, and affluent homeowners who receive support through tax deductions. And thirdly, social welfare does not substantially reduce income inequality. That is because the affluent receive far greater support from government-supported welfare than the poor. As Lauer and Lauer note, deriving from the study of consumer advocate Ralph Nader, there are four areas in the welfare system that are advantageous to the rich. Bailouts are given to large corporations to safeguard them from bankruptcy. Resource depletion, which allows large corporations to have the rights to minerals and timber leased at "bargain-basement….

Works Cited Lauer, Robert, and Lauer, Jeanette. Social Problems and the Quality of Life, 12th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill Higher Education, Macionis, John. Social Problems, 3d edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall: Wildman, David, "Corporate Welfare vs. Social Welfare," Web. By conducting a peer led focus group the interaction between the participants allows for sharing of stories and experiences and opens up the lines for a deeper, more meaningful discussion. Instead of the participants directing their responses to questions and statements asked of the researcher to the researcher, participants will be able to converse with one another.

The researcher will still be a part of the focus group, but his role will not be as prominent as it would be in a traditional style focus group. Instead, the researcher will observe, take notes and steer the group in the right direction if they start to discuss other topics which are not a part of the study. Conclusion Because this research deals with the dynamics of welfare recipients as opposed to how many people are on welfare, a qualitative approach is best. The only information that could be dealt with…. References Berg, B. Qualitative research methods for the social sciences 7th edition ed. Boston, Mass. gov - America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, - Economic Circumstances. gov - Home. asp Lofland, J. Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis 4th ed.

Gwenn Wilson: Wadsworth Publishing. Murray, C. Peer led focus groups and young people. Children and Society, 20 4 , Family preservation services have been defined as short-term, family-focused services designed to assist families in crisis by improving parenting and family functioning while keeping children safe Services, N. While it has typically been the case that many social service departments would rely on the foster care system for child safety issues, family preservation services became a popular alternative when it was recognition to be more beneficial for the children who need a safe and stable family environment. It has been realized that separating children from their families, such as is the case when they would enter foster care, can be traumatic for them and leave them with negative consequences that can last indefinitely.

Therefore, instead of looking at the child as a sole individual, the family preservation perspective broadens the scope of the welfare to include the entire family unit. The model for the services is founded on the belief…. However, there have been both positive and negative outcomes from these changes. This is significant, because it shows how the law has made an impact upon reducing the overall amounts of waste. Like any change there will be obvious positive and negatives outcomes. In the case of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, these changes would impact the way various social services are provided, to low income individuals and families. ibliography Types of Poverty. Haki Kazi.

htm Types of Poverty. Society Forward. html Anderson, S. Difficulties After Leaving TANF. Social Work. Bibliography Types of Poverty. Grogger, J. Conflicting Benefits. Instead, the welfare system encouraged perpetual social dependency and provided a reason for poor people not to work at all when the most reliable method of achieving financial independence besides continuing education is precisely, to begin working at minimum wage jobs while gradually learning skills and establishing contacts and a record of regular employment that are essential in the long- term goal of qualifying for better work in time Healey, p The Need for Welfare Reform: While elements of government assistance programs are still subject to epidemic abuse Schmalleger, p , the reconfiguration mandated by Congress in are designed to rectify some of the most glaring problems plaguing the federally administrated programs previously.

First and foremost, the new state-run welfare programs must, by federal law, establish caps limiting welfare eligibility to discourage perpetual even permanent reliance on public funds as a substitute for making the necessary effort and…. Bibliography Healey, Joseph F. Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change. London: Pine Forge Henslin, James M. Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Macionis, John J. Sociology 9th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Schaefer, Richard T.

Racial and Ethnic Groups. New York: Harper-Collins government welfare. Discussed: should the government provide fewer or more benefits for single parents on welfare. Thesis, three reasons to support, at least 4 quotes and paraphrases on each page from experts. Should the Government Provide More or Fewer Benefits for Single Parents on elfare? elfare reforms have been a continuous debate for years. The latest reform regarding single parents and government benefits has stirred controversy and initiated studies to determine the effects of new policies. hile many critics believe the new reforms are too harsh and simply increase the number of poverty level families, the new policies with reduced benefits are making a positive significant impact in reducing the number of single parent recipients and placing them in the employment arena.

Therefore, the government should provide less benefits to single parents on welfare. Many critics argue that the economy is responsible for caseload declines New B7. However, according to…. Works Cited Adkisson, Richard V. March 01, ; pp New, Michael. Louis Post-Dispatch. October 01, ; pp B7. Welfare Reform - More Research Needed on TANF Family Caps and other Policies for Reducing Out-of-Wedlock Births. September 11, accessed Mental Health, and Welfare Society, mental health and welfare: A problem related to counseling under-insurance and a social problem the lack of adequate healthcare coverage The course text Social action: A mandate for counselors discusses the ethical implications of such issues as race and social injustice in the counseling profession.

However, perhaps even more important than these factors is the issue of class, specifically the affordability of counseling on an individual basis. Wealthier individuals with better insurance or who can afford to pay 'pout of pocket' often have the luxury of 'talk' therapy that poorer people, or people without adequate health insurance, lack. This creates a 'haves' versus 'have not' situation in terms of the availability and the quality of counseling. Poorer individuals with minimal insurance coverage for mental health care are often offered fewer counseling sessions, or have their psychological complaints treated as medical disorders, rather than fully addressed…. References Considering some practical matters.

AMHA American Mental Health Alliance. Talk doesn't pay. In this case there are differences due to the income level of the person who is replying. This continues on in the opinion of the comparatively richer group to say that the people getting poverty assistance could manage without assistance as they get the assistance without having to do anything for it. This continues on with persons having little knowledge of the changes in law that has come up. Only half the respondents were aware of the changes in the law. References America's most costly welfare recipients are Fortune companies. Cato Institute News Releases. June 30, Accessed on 30 June, Bumpass, Larry. Ryder, N. The Changing Contexts of Parenting in the United States. Accessed on 29 June, Cauchon, Dennis.

State, local spending up despite downturn. USA Today. Accessed on 30 June, Danziger, Sheldon; Loury, Glenn; Murray, Charles; Wilkins, Roger. Does Welfare Cause Illegitimacy? UK elfare The following review of current literature is categorized by a number of variables. Statistics and Data initiate the report and is quickly followed up with Policy Literature. From there, an Academic Literature Review focusing on five articles with corresponding studies and citations takes place. After the Academic Review comes a Relevant Campaigning Review and a Media Review. Finally, a quick conclusion ties the literature together in a neat little bow.

The charts below provide data that allows researchers to understand exactly how significant the problem is. Chart A see below shows the rates of pregnancies in the UK broken down by age. As is evident, since pregnancy rates for older women have been rising significantly, while the rates for those woman under 29 years of age including teenagers have been holding steady, or slightly declining for the most part. Since current public policy was first initiated in…. Works Cited Arai, L. And Gale, E. Brewer, M. European Journal of Housing Policy, Vol. United States is a country of settlers, anti-immigrant sentiment has permeated public discourse and is damaging the social fabric of the nation. Early anti-immigrant sentiment is symbolized most powerfully by the Nativist movement, which closely resembled white supremacy Committee on US-Latin American Relations, What fueled anti-immigrant sentiment included fears of losing jobs and other conflict theory perspectives showing how immigrants are perceived of as threats to the existing social order Social Work Speaks.

The NASW Policy Statement supports the rights of immigrants and refugees to live without discrimination. Committee on US-Latin American Nations Similar Anti-immigrant rhetoric used throughout US history. At the same time, there were reform movements most notably the abolitionist movement, that took root as a…. Ethics and Best Practices Social assistance as a tool to combat marital issues Michelle's former husband would probably be inclined to resort to unorthodox methods of accessing her files. As a consequence, I would get actively involved in providing him with the opportunity to see things from a general perspective.

By emphasizing the fact that he risks facing legal problems if he continues to harass his wife, I would attempt to enable him to move on with his life and accept that Michelle does not want to see him anymore. My role is to respect Michelle's position in this situation and this would require that I employ a hostile attitude with regard to showing her husband information concerning the woman. Michelle is likely to cooperate with me in the process of informing her husband with regard to the condition their relationship is in.

The fact that she has a history…. Addams included a large amount of environmental reforms in her program for Hull House. One of the most prominent incorporated her labors to address the unhealthful heaps of garbage in immigrant areas because of a lack of public interest. The mayor of Chicago ultimately appointed Addams garbage inspector for her region a job that she took very seriously. Addams managed garbage collectors and took violators of garbage policies to court. Even though Addams and her associates frequently started reforms, the immigrants had a dynamic role as well, helping in knowledge gathering and its communication to their neighbors Settlement House Movement, ichmond's devotion and professionalism, along with her scientific charity has been documented and developed over the years.

Her casework practice, managerial talents, research, and stress on social work education fashioned a professional environment in what was beforehand thought to be just charity work. This professionalized social work permitted philanthropic…. References Settlement House Movement. html Smith, Mark K. Casework and the Charity Organization Society. Limiting Public Benefits The United States economy is in serious trouble and the individual state economies are not faring much better. In times such as these, those elected into public office are called upon to find ways to save money and to help the struggling nation become strong again. For individual people living in America, the economy has directly impacted their everyday lives.

Many people are out of work and more and more families are becoming dependant on financial assistance from either the state or federal government in order to keep going. hen there is no money to spend on food or clothing or shelter, the families suffer terribly. The government instituted public assistance and unemployment to help families who are in desperate need. One of the ways that politicians, particularly Republicans, have suggested for alleviating the government's financial responsibilities is to demand that all people who apply for governmental…. Works Cited: Bloom, R. Mandatory drug testing for unemployment benefits and TANF is costly and ineffective.

Growing support for drug testing of welfare recipients. Associated Press. Gupta, V. Mandatory drug testing demonizes and demoralizes. Debate Club. MacPherson, J. ND bill pushes drug tests for welfare recipients. San Francisco. Evidence-based nursing interventions that will provide quality care to vulnerable populations There is evidence in innovative health programs whose outcomes are Hospice care with increased patient and caregiver satisfaction costs lower than the conventional care; programs with community-based care reduces the severity of symptoms and results in a rapid functioning; for the frail elderly, it results in improved satisfaction; Patient empowerment, especially with the frail elderly and disabled adults, brings satisfaction and knowledge about their care; for the mentally ill, it lowers the rate of homelessness and for patients with diabetes or congestive heart failure, it decreases the morbidity.

Usually, the beneficial effects were limited to the duration of the intervention Aday, There is evidence for enhanced patient satisfaction in the health care that emphasize continual care, multidisciplinary approaches, patient empowerment, and innovative approaches. Health care providers should also practice evidence-based care as it demonstrates the effectiveness. Patients with…. The truth is that the forefathers were actually quite surprised at the effect that the signing of the Constitution had created in America; at the democratic society and government that resulted after the ratification of the Constitution.

The ratification in itself was a long one, and it involved in essence the perusal of the written Constitution by each state for ratification purposes, for which each state was required to create an independent ratifying committee headed by special delegates. The discussions of the advantages and the disadvantages of the newly written constitution of America began almost immediately after it was signed, and the two opposing factions of the Federalists to whom the majority of the forefathers belonged, and the Anti-Federalists who formed the opposing group brought these forth. The situation in America at the time of the writing of the Constitution was that of pro-democracy.

The political as well as the…. References Encyclopedia: American constitution. Accessed on 4 October, Encyclopedia: Articles of Association. Accessed on 4 October, Hispanics Groups in the United States While many people speak of the Hispanic population, there really is not a single Hispanic population in the United States. The term Hispanic generically refers to Spanish-speakers. Therefore, there is a wide variety in the Hispanic people one may find in the United States. Therefore, this paper will examine four different Hispanic groups, Mexican-Americans, Puerto icans, Cuban Americans, and South Americans. It will do so by looking at the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions of these different cultures.

When many people think of Hispanics in the United States, they think of Mexican-Americans. This is because Mexican-Americans are the largest U. Hispanic group; in fact, the U. has the second-largest population of Mexicans, second only to Mexico. Mexican-Americans tend to be Spanish speakers, though they may actually speak a variety of Native American languages, depending on where in Mexico the person originated. References Buffington, S. Cuban Americans. html Camarota, S. Senate amnesty could strain welfare system. html Pinon, F. Mexican-American politics. Retrieved September 30, from Cengage. Therefore, although the current analysis took into consideration three of the most important countries in the world, they do not lack the problems facing each country because everywhere in the world there are poor areas and low income families who will abuse their children, will abandon them, and even torture them according to their own religious or personal beliefs.

Taking these aspects into consideration, it is important to consider the three different child protection policies applied in Japan, Switzerland, and Germany in order to see the extent in which the economic development is related to the child protection policy. Japan is well-known for the way in which the family ties and connections are mirrored in the society. More precisely, it is rather well-known the fact that in general the Japanese family is committed to their own beings and the relations that establish at the level of the family members are…. Bibliography BBC. Merkel in child protection plea. stm Clemons, Steven. Daily Yomiuri. German Standard of Living in Decline.

html Goodman, Roger. Children of the Japanese State: The Changing Role of Child Protection Institutions in Contemporary Japan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, The Category Totals for the Biennial State Operating Budget, found in Chapter , Laws of , are as follows: Chapter - Laws of - NH Operating Budget Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Total Appropriation for Category 01 GENEAL GOVENMENT AS INCLUDED in SECTION 1. References Hall, D. Sep Six Programs Fueled State Spending Increases, New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies. Concord, NH. pdf Norton, S. Dec Fiscal Feast and Famine. Operating Budget for the State of New Hampshire About the LBA-Budget Division.

State of New Hampshire Office of Legislative Budget Assistant. President George W. Bush 07 Feb President Bush's Budget and New Hampshire: FY Budget. The White House. For any person diagnosed with ADS, having to wait for drugs could effectively be a death sentence, which gives this study all of the greatest purpose so that there is a better understanding to the problem and hopefully, there will be possible solutions HV and African-Americans According to Gray, , p. A review of some basic premises of embeddedness theories derived from the work of Karl Polanyi reveals their connection to particular values-based labeling efforts.

From this perspective, values-based labeling presents itself as primarily an ethical and moral effort to counter unsustainable trends within presently existing capitalism. These labels distinguish themselves from ordinary commercial labels by a focus on process and on…. It argues that when teens get to a certain age, they realize the consequences of their decisions, which includes if they have AIDS. Religious and racial traditions call their members to care for the poor and marginalized, yet no study has examined whether physicians' religious characteristics are associated with practice among the underserved.

This study examines whether physicians' self-reported religious characteristics and sense of calling in their work are associated with practice among the underserved Farr a. Curlin, MD1,2, Lydia S. Dugdale, MD3, John D. Lantos, MD2,4 and Marshall H. In the article, by Friedma, , it is clear that people are debating that decisions made on religious grounds are not considered to be rational; however, serious medical decisions including the refusal of treatment can only be made based and accepted on rational grounds. For example, if the risk of bad side effects is really high, the medical treatment could be refused.

From there, this article argues the pros and. hen the old Manchu dynasty failed to come up with ways to thwart the invading foreigners, a new nationalism was born in China. The old pastimes and rituals p. This awakening nationalism - partly a rejection of "foot binding, servant-girl bondage, prostitution, gambling," and opium smoking - was stoked not just by the colonial aggression, but by a spreading literacy educational institutions were being built, the telegraph, newspapers, magazines and railway travel and emerging awareness of their endangered culture. The last Manchu Emperor was put out of office on February 12, , and hence a political system that had endured for 2, years, was out of commission. Fairbank takes great pains to cover myriad events in China that led the country from ancient dynasties to new ideas and new leadership.

The new order - the Kuomintang political party - came into power in…. Works Cited Fairbank, John King. The United States and China. Cambridge, MASS: Harvard University Press, Economic Crisis Policies US current economic crisis is considered to be started from real estate sector. The real sector started to decline in and it accelerated in and The decline in prices left homeowners with no option and they were unable to refinance their mortgages and causes default of mortgages. This default of mortgages and loans swallowed the banks and financial markets such as falling of Lehman's brothers and other anks and blow to rest of economy happened as the whole economy was relying on banks and ultimately it slows down investment in the country and capital flows to other parts of the world like China and India.

ank losses cause reduction of bank capital which in turn requires capital reduction thus saving bank from lending. Bibliography ISR international socialist review. Retrieved from The U. shtml Journal of accountancy. economic crisis: root causes and road to recovery: www. World Economic Crisis and Fed Reserve Response to it. Studies in Political Economy. United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama ruled correctly in awarding partial summary judgment in this case. The summary judgment was granted in accordance with Rule 56 c 3 , Ala. Under Rule 56 c 3 , "summary judgment is proper when there is no genuine issue of material fact and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.

Southtrust Bank, So. This burden requires the nonmovant to show "substantial evidence" in support of his position. id at Porter fails to show substantial proof of exposure to HIV on which his claim of emotional distress is based. Lacking proof of actual HIV exposure the plaintiff cannot move ahead with a claim based…. Aid The United States has been one of the most affluent countries of the world. Because of this fact, the country has established a history of providing aid and comfort to other groups around the world who are suffering because of economic, agricultural, or other turmoil for whatever reason, whether it be failure of government, war, or natural disaster.

Some advocate that this is the rightful position of more wealthy countries and populations, to provide assistance to those who are less fortunate. This is certainly true to some extent. However, when a nation is in times of difficulty itself, like the United States is currently embroiled in, it is more important that the government provide aid to its own citizens than looking at what it can do outside the nation's borders. On an individual level, it would certainly be nice for wealthy persons to assist their fellow men and women…. Works Cited: Narveson, Jan. Singer, Peter. The precedence set by this attorney, though it was not answered by a maelstrom of other counties resurrecting rarely if ever used common laws, does prove interesting, on the issue of rape as well as many other laws that are hardly if ever used but not stricken from the books, as of yet.

Though Idaho is no longer considered a "common-law" state with regard to domestic situations, i. regarding the determination of marital status and on other issues it is legitimately still very demonstrative of common law history, a fact that can be attested to by the ability of a single do-gooder to choose to enforce a law that was previously ignored. Other issues, such as common property, among domestic partners, are a later adoption of a common law practice, in Idaho. For the most part it makes sense that legal situations in low population areas could and possibly still…. References Aho, J. The Politics of Righteousness: Idaho Christian Patriotism. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. American Prosecutors Research Institute State Rape Statutes p. pdf Bonner, J. Reconceptualizing VAWA's "Animus" for Rape in States' Emerging Post-VAWA Civil Rights Legislation.

Yale Law Journal, 6 , Bryden, D. Rape in the Criminal Justice System. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 87 4 , Globalization has stripped the U. Of its stranglehold over manufacturing and forced it to readjust itself into a service oriented industry. As a result, education, training and specialization are more crucial than ever for the attainment of high paying jobs. This leaves the majority of Americans who do not have high educational or vocational training to have fewer opportunities for employment. Competitions from third world nations have stripped away many industries and jobs that are traditionally strong employers such as the automotive and steel industries. The result is that employees have had to take lower-paying jobs because they cannot readjust themselves for more complex positions required within the changing dynamics of globalization.

rom an economic perspective this is an inevitable process, and therefore the wealth gap grows because those with very strong education and specialization are able to take advantage of economic trends towards service oriented industries, while those who…. From a political perspective, economic change and the conservatism of the past two decades have changed the spirit of government assistance for the poor. Welfare no longer exists as it did in the s, and more funding is being diverted away from providing for the poor. As a result of government policies to provide greater independence and breaks for the average citizen, more and more funds are being steered away from helping the poor.

The combination of a dearth of government spending to aid the poor as well as an unfriendly job market for unskilled labor has contributed to the poor becoming poorer. From a social perspective, the "hippy" culture of the earlier decades has been replaced with a growing demand for social gratification through money and influence. As society becomes more influenced by materialistic culture, the perspective of helping the poor and solving social problems are de-emphasized. All three factors have contributed to the growing wealth inequality within the United States.

Nickel and Dimed" revealed to us the world of American poverty. The poorest sector of the United States live a life that few can imagine and many thought eradicated. The factors that have brought us to the circumstances that Ehrenreich depicts within her book are multifaceted. They involve inevitable economic changes, government policy as well as social perspectives. To rectify this problem will be extremely difficult. Changes will have to be made on many different levels that will involve a changing perspective on views of poverty and success. However, if this trend continues, the wealth gap will inevitably polarize the American public and lead to a major national crisis. Thus to preserve the democracy and health of the United States, steps must be taken to change the culture towards wealth disparity.

However, without taxation, the protective mechanisms that make up the state, such as a standing army to protect the economic apparatus of the nation would not exist. And if taxation must occur to preserve the state, should it not be redistributive, so as not to incapacitate the weakest members of society, and thus would it not cost taxpayers to not have redistributive taxes even more money in the long run, debilitating the coffers of the state still further? While the passage bifurcates the individual's right to private property and the state's duty to protect public welfare, it is not so easy to make such a distinction, for threatening the public good without redistribution ultimately harms private industry's ability to make money and to have a healthy and educated workforce.

An uneducated and unhealthy employee without schooling or Medicare helps no company, CEO, or shareholder Question Only the most dedicated advocate…. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Government Welfare State Essays Welfare State Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. The welfare state is basically a beast that consumes almost everything that people work for,… Harrison, R.

Essentially, these laws had originated in , during the time of her father's reign, and were focused on raising local taxes as well as appointing overseers of the poor in every parish for the purpose of: setting to work of the children of all such whose parents shall not be thought able to keep and maintain their children," together with "all such persons, married or unmarried, as, having no means to maintain them, use no ordinary and daily trade of life to get their living by"; providing a convenient stock of materials "to set the poor on work"; the necessary relief of the lame, impotent, old, blind… References Beveridge, W.

Gottfried, Paul… Works Cited Edwards, James Ralph. In the middle decades of the 20th century, Canada shifted more towards a welfare state, instituting elements such as… References Anderson, G. State of Social Welfare in Africa Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Handa, Devereux, and Webb, have shown that the concept… References Atkinson, A. State-Led Economic Policies in South Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : On one hand, banks… formulated and guided a successful investment endeavor was in the case of textiles. Mothers -- Transitioning From Welfare to Corporate Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Annotated Bibliography Paper : Challenges, interventions, and potential outcomes are examined, among which looking at the juxtaposition between the fiscal… Works Cited Burnett, R.

Discriminations in Welfare Groups The Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Why the Rich as Well as the Poor Benefit From Social Welfare Programs Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Moreover, the Social Security and other social insurance programs "grants" increase with inflation, allowing the purchasing power… Works Cited Abramovitz, M. Sociology of Poverty and Welfare Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : That claim that the behavior of humans is the effect of some cause in society or class… Bibliography Townsend, Peter the Concept of Poverty.

Globalisation Weakens the State Discuss Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : However, when speaking of a state in its cultural… Bibliography Armstrong, D. Nazi State in the s and s Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Indeed, the historical record demonstrates that during the Third Reich, the German people, the old conservative elites,… WORKS CITED Aly, Gotz and Jefferson Chase. United States Regulation of Business Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Book Report Paper : Should the United States Adopt National Health Care Insurance Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : What Is the Market-State Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Differences of What… Bibliography Bobbit, P The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History, NY: Anchor Books Keynes, JM The Economic Consequences of the Peace, NY: Harcourt Brace.

Business US Has Faced Acute Economic Crisis Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Recent wave of… Bibliography Council on Foreign Relations. US Presidential Elections Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : John Maynard Keynes and other economists blamed this severe contraction on low incomes, unequal distribution of wealth,… WORKS CITED Clarke, P. Welfare System Welfare Programs Are Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Since welfare reform was implemented during an unprecedented economic expansion, questions remain about how much of the good news should be attributed to the law and how much to a strong economy or to the growth of other programs such as the… Works Cited Sawhill, Isabel.

Welfare Indian Children Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : This resulted in the Indian Child Welfare Act,… References "Indian Child Welfare Act -- Termination Of Parental Rights -- Adoptive Couple V. Welfare System Temporary Aid for Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : etrieved at… References Action Alert- Ask for a Multiyear TANF Extension with Significant Child Care Funding. State Statue and Rules and Regulations Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Welfare Experience Deparle's American Dream Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Welfare System Essay Words: Length: 14 Pages Document Type: Paper : Array.

State of Human Rights in the Arab World Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Demand is exceeding supply. Secondly, despite the welfare programs provided by government, it do no longer give proper solutions to the problems in the society, drug abusers are not cured, elderly people are still isolated, children…. A common household word that almost everyone has heard of, and many depend on. For those who may not know, Welfare is a government-provided support system for those unable to support themselves. According to CNS news, With over million people populating this country, roughly a third of them, million, are given a crutch in society because they cannot meet their basic needs of living their selves. The dissimilar approaches to healthcare can be explained by the regime each country follows.

Iceland is a…. the current state of welfare programs and its recipients. Some think we should do away with welfare all together and let everyone fend for themselves; while others believe that they are helpful for struggling families. Then there are the ones in the middle, like me. People who live in these countries received more or less some benefits from the government. First of all, medical care in the welfare state is exceptional, especially Denmark and…. modern liberalism and the welfare state. The author of this source makes it evident that it is not in the hands of the government to provide conditions to promote equality but instead promote individualism so that individuals take it in their own initiative to be self-reliant about his or her social and economic well-being.

If the government fails to promote individualism, the author states that citizens will be dependent on the state and that will therefore result in more tax being given to…. The Social Welfare in United States and the negative impact on the People and the Economy. Social welfare refers to United States government programs to help in the necessities of the needs of the people of the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt came up with Social welfare idea and it adopted by several states. There are many welfare…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays.

Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Welfare State Essay. Welfare State Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. Welfare: The Importance Of Welfare In The United States Words 3 Pages. Welfare: The Importance Of Welfare In The United States. Read More. Welfare Programs: What Is Welfare In The United States Words 6 Pages. Welfare Programs: What Is Welfare In The United States. Welfare State Model Words 4 Pages. Welfare State Model. Good Essays. The Issue Of The Welfare State Words 2 Pages.

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